
древние цивилизации

Trojan Horse of Western History
What is this book about? This book is about an exciting journey to Troy, both ancient and modern. About the fact that the Trojans defeated the Greeks (not the other way around, as is commonly believed). And that the well-known Greek religion with its…
What is this book about? This book is about an exciting journey to Troy, both ancient and modern. About the fact that the Trojans defeated the Greeks (not the other way around, as is commonly believed). And that the well-known Greek religion with its…
The stargazer’s servant
More than a thousand years ago, in what is now the territory of modern Mauritania and partly of its neighboring States, was located a rather powerful and militant Caliphate. The ruler of this Caliphate had at his court a personal magician, astrologer…
More than a thousand years ago, in what is now the territory of modern Mauritania and partly of its neighboring States, was located a rather powerful and militant Caliphate. The ruler of this Caliphate had at his court a personal magician, astrologer…
Elissa: or The Doom of Zimbabwe
In Elissa Henry Rider Haggard takes his readers to the Phoenician city in South Central Africa the mysterious ruins of which have been the subject of so much speculation and research in the recent past. A trading town, protected by vast fortifications…
In Elissa Henry Rider Haggard takes his readers to the Phoenician city in South Central Africa the mysterious ruins of which have been the subject of so much speculation and research in the recent past. A trading town, protected by vast fortifications…

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