
организация рабочего процесса

Management practices of Russian companies. Vol.1
This collection of compact cases on management practices in Russian companies was produced by professors of HSE Graduate School of Business and other units of HSE University and resulted from a joint project between HSE GSB and The Case Centre, the o…
This collection of compact cases on management practices in Russian companies was produced by professors of HSE Graduate School of Business and other units of HSE University and resulted from a joint project between HSE GSB and The Case Centre, the o…
Management practices of Russian companies. Vol.2
The HSE Graduate School of Business continues to support the initiative of involving the faculty members into the case studies development. The second group of GSB professors has completed the certification program in case writing from The Case Centr…
The HSE Graduate School of Business continues to support the initiative of involving the faculty members into the case studies development. The second group of GSB professors has completed the certification program in case writing from The Case Centr…
Freelancing. The smartest Way to be free and highly Paid
Ильгиз Валинуров, известный российский хедхантер, в этой книге щедро делится опытом успехов и неудач фрилансеров из разных стран. Эта книга для вас, если вы хотите начать новый свободный карьерный этап, путешествовать по миру независимо от графика от…
Ильгиз Валинуров, известный российский хедхантер, в этой книге щедро делится опытом успехов и неудач фрилансеров из разных стран. Эта книга для вас, если вы хотите начать новый свободный карьерный этап, путешествовать по миру независимо от графика от…

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