
популярно об истории

Нюрнбергский процесс глазами психолога
«Мы ведь просто выполняли приказы, за что нас судят?» – вопрошали если не все, но многие участники самого громкого судебного процесса в истории. Что творилось в душах тех, кто уничтожил миллионы человеческих жизней, организовал «лагеря смерти» и устр…
«Мы ведь просто выполняли приказы, за что нас судят?» – вопрошали если не все, но многие участники самого громкого судебного процесса в истории. Что творилось в душах тех, кто уничтожил миллионы человеческих жизней, организовал «лагеря смерти» и устр…
Illustrated Timeline. Part I. Russia 1462 – 1917: From Tsardom to Empire
Illustrated Timeline presents historical events and developments in a visual format. This series of illustrated guides outlines Russia’s history side by side with the history of other European countries. This timeline summarizes the history of Russia…
Illustrated Timeline presents historical events and developments in a visual format. This series of illustrated guides outlines Russia’s history side by side with the history of other European countries. This timeline summarizes the history of Russia…
Illustrated Timeline. Part V. Medieval Russia. 839 – 1462
Illustrated Timeline presents historical events and developments in a visual format. This series of illustrated guides outlines Russia’s history side by side with the history of other European countries. This timeline summarizes the history of mediev…
Illustrated Timeline presents historical events and developments in a visual format. This series of illustrated guides outlines Russia’s history side by side with the history of other European countries. This timeline summarizes the history of mediev…
Illustrated Timeline. Part VI. Russia. Contemporary History. 1900–2018
The Illustrated Timeline is a new illustrated format for presenting credible historical events and processes chronologically. This publication shows Russia’s history in chronological order over the course of more than eleven centuries, from the estab…
The Illustrated Timeline is a new illustrated format for presenting credible historical events and processes chronologically. This publication shows Russia’s history in chronological order over the course of more than eleven centuries, from the estab…
100 Key Ukrainian Personalities
The knowledge of our national history helps us to realize what we are like and why we have become like that. This awareness provides invaluable lessons, and requires not to repeat mistakes which we made more than once… The book “100 Key Ukrainian Per…
The knowledge of our national history helps us to realize what we are like and why we have become like that. This awareness provides invaluable lessons, and requires not to repeat mistakes which we made more than once… The book “100 Key Ukrainian Per…
African American History
"African American history is the part of American history that looks at the history of African Americans or Black Americans. Of the 10.7 million Africans who were brought to the Americas until the 1860s, 450 thousand were shipped to what is now the U…
"African American history is the part of American history that looks at the history of African Americans or Black Americans. Of the 10.7 million Africans who were brought to the Americas until the 1860s, 450 thousand were shipped to what is now the U…
Проект «Україна»: Архітектори, виконроби, робітники. Тексти
Том, який ви тримаєте в руках, є продовженням тритомника «Проект „Україна“: Архітектори, виконроби, робітники». Він містить унікальні для україномовного середовища тексти, написані в різні роки та в різних країнах тими, хто називає себе «вільними мул…
Том, який ви тримаєте в руках, є продовженням тритомника «Проект „Україна“: Архітектори, виконроби, робітники». Він містить унікальні для україномовного середовища тексти, написані в різні роки та в різних країнах тими, хто називає себе «вільними мул…
Belarus: pages of history
The book describes the history of Belarus starting from the ancient times till present days, the place, role, contribution and achievements of the Belarusian nation within the European civilization based on the most updated conceptual and methodologi…
The book describes the history of Belarus starting from the ancient times till present days, the place, role, contribution and achievements of the Belarusian nation within the European civilization based on the most updated conceptual and methodologi…
History of Kokand
In the monograph the history of Kokand since the ancient period to the third quarter of the XIX century is considered. The major data on social and economic, political and cultural life of the population of the city, on political and trading relation…
In the monograph the history of Kokand since the ancient period to the third quarter of the XIX century is considered. The major data on social and economic, political and cultural life of the population of the city, on political and trading relation…

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