
Nikolay Lakutin

Книги автора: Nikolay Lakutin

Three epochs converged at one point. Grandmother, mother and daughter each live their own canons, but at the same time try to get along in the same apartment, which inevitably generates squabbles. They sometimes quarrel by pulling each other's hair, …
Three epochs converged at one point. Grandmother, mother and daughter each live their own canons, but at the same time try to get along in the same apartment, which inevitably generates squabbles. They sometimes quarrel by pulling each other's hair, …
Esotericist. Mind games
Do you know that you live in a world of the blind? Man being until the end of an unidentified to this day. We know very little of what we might know, and those who know a little more than others are reluctant to spread this knowledge. We see each oth…
Do you know that you live in a world of the blind? Man being until the end of an unidentified to this day. We know very little of what we might know, and those who know a little more than others are reluctant to spread this knowledge. We see each oth…
Is there life after marriage
No further than the first page for the author's wife. Do not continue this line for a friend of the wife of the author. Not earlier than 18 years to the younger generation. And the others... hold on! The whole truth-the uterus, as it is! Содержит не…
No further than the first page for the author's wife. Do not continue this line for a friend of the wife of the author. Not earlier than 18 years to the younger generation. And the others... hold on! The whole truth-the uterus, as it is! Содержит не…
Аlone with yourself
Everyone in life has had situations that you want to remember at every convenient and even not always convenient occasion. There are stories that are pleasant to remember, but do not want to tell. The totality of such stories forms a positive side of…
Everyone in life has had situations that you want to remember at every convenient and even not always convenient occasion. There are stories that are pleasant to remember, but do not want to tell. The totality of such stories forms a positive side of…
Obscene stories
You've probably heard the expression that every person is a whole world. But few people know what it means. Indeed, there are so many people, so many opinions, so many views on life, so many ideas about what it is. Expand these ideas, do not stop the…
You've probably heard the expression that every person is a whole world. But few people know what it means. Indeed, there are so many people, so many opinions, so many views on life, so many ideas about what it is. Expand these ideas, do not stop the…
Signs of sexuality
It is no secret that the author of short books Nikolai Lakutin many fans. It is also no secret that he does not have a model appearance, but like many of you-once dreamed of popularity with the opposite sex. In this book you will read what its author…
It is no secret that the author of short books Nikolai Lakutin many fans. It is also no secret that he does not have a model appearance, but like many of you-once dreamed of popularity with the opposite sex. In this book you will read what its author…
Face fictions
All events and characters are the author's fiction. Any coincidence names, surnames and positions characters with real names survivors or deceased people, and also occurred with someone in life events absolutely accidental and utterly unintentional. …
All events and characters are the author's fiction. Any coincidence names, surnames and positions characters with real names survivors or deceased people, and also occurred with someone in life events absolutely accidental and utterly unintentional. …
Case No. 1832
Dreams... such a vast subject, such limitless possibilities. A sea of temptations and desires materialized. However, is it safe to interact with a world where dreams come true. After all, ignorance of the laws - not exempt from responsibility...
Dreams... such a vast subject, such limitless possibilities. A sea of temptations and desires materialized. However, is it safe to interact with a world where dreams come true. After all, ignorance of the laws - not exempt from responsibility...
Hear or See? Play on 10,9,8 or 7 people. Fantasy. Drama (and oddly enough) Comedy
What is your priority? Hear or see? Each of You has made a certain choice in your time. Based on this, the worldview, attitude, and goals were formed... The hero of this story did not differ from most people in his choice. He lived quite a "beautiful…
What is your priority? Hear or see? Each of You has made a certain choice in your time. Based on this, the worldview, attitude, and goals were formed... The hero of this story did not differ from most people in his choice. He lived quite a "beautiful…
Plays for 1, 2 people. Collection №3
I present the third collection of my plays for the period of 2019 and 2020. There are five plays with the number of actors of one and two people. Some of the plays included in the collection already have contracts for production in Russia and abroad.…
I present the third collection of my plays for the period of 2019 and 2020. There are five plays with the number of actors of one and two people. Some of the plays included in the collection already have contracts for production in Russia and abroad.…
Exclusive New year. Play for 6-7 people
Corporate events in the organization and the cycle of incidents have a lot in common. We do not usually think through every detail and run the program of the event as a rehearsal. We are driven by improvisation on the basis of intoxicating beverages.…
Corporate events in the organization and the cycle of incidents have a lot in common. We do not usually think through every detail and run the program of the event as a rehearsal. We are driven by improvisation on the basis of intoxicating beverages.…
Cucumber on a tomato! Play for 4,5,6 people
Two married couples face the same problem. A problem that every family man faces in his time. But they solve this problem in different ways. What decision will be the most reasonable-you will find out in the Comedy " Cucumber on tomato!»
Two married couples face the same problem. A problem that every family man faces in his time. But they solve this problem in different ways. What decision will be the most reasonable-you will find out in the Comedy " Cucumber on tomato!»
A letter to parents who have been gone for a long time…
Hello, dear readers, dear hearts and trembling Souls. Many of you already know me, and some of you may even know me too well. But those who are not familiar with my work, I will say that I do not always write in my own direct name. Sometimes I write …
Hello, dear readers, dear hearts and trembling Souls. Many of you already know me, and some of you may even know me too well. But those who are not familiar with my work, I will say that I do not always write in my own direct name. Sometimes I write …
I want to be a scoundrel too! Play for 4 people
Perhaps, after reading this play, you will change your attitude to the term "scoundrel"! You will love the main character, or hate it, it does not matter. It is important that it will be revealed to you in a very unusual understanding until today. In…
Perhaps, after reading this play, you will change your attitude to the term "scoundrel"! You will love the main character, or hate it, it does not matter. It is important that it will be revealed to you in a very unusual understanding until today. In…
When no longer a fool. Story
I was once as silly as most girls are when they're seventeen. A pretty figure and a pretty face – it seemed that nothing else was needed for life, everything else life would present on a platter. But, if only I had been given a little more brains in …
I was once as silly as most girls are when they're seventeen. A pretty figure and a pretty face – it seemed that nothing else was needed for life, everything else life would present on a platter. But, if only I had been given a little more brains in …
It was almost there. A play for 4 people. Comedy
More than ten years of marriage. To strangle or strangle, that's the question! Where do those attractive guys and girls go for whom we do wonderful stupid things? Those lovely, charming creatures that we marry, that we marry? What do they turn into? …
More than ten years of marriage. To strangle or strangle, that's the question! Where do those attractive guys and girls go for whom we do wonderful stupid things? Those lovely, charming creatures that we marry, that we marry? What do they turn into? …
The enchanted chair of an unusual writer
There are rumors that once upon a time there was an unusual writer. Most of his biography is shrouded in darkness, but even what is known about him is shocking. He wrote very unusual books, which attracted the attention of the public. He didn't seem …
There are rumors that once upon a time there was an unusual writer. Most of his biography is shrouded in darkness, but even what is known about him is shocking. He wrote very unusual books, which attracted the attention of the public. He didn't seem …
Family friend! A play for 4-5 people. Comedy and a little drama
Are you familiar with such a phenomenon as simple-minded arrogance? Sometimes you meet such amazing characters in your life, which you try to keep away from yourself, but as luck would have it, they are attracted so close that it already goes beyond …
Are you familiar with such a phenomenon as simple-minded arrogance? Sometimes you meet such amazing characters in your life, which you try to keep away from yourself, but as luck would have it, they are attracted so close that it already goes beyond …
The incident on the bus
This story is dedicated to all lovers and mistresses. There is no narrative or judgment here, and we do not undertake to judge what is good and what may not be very good. We just want to tell you an interesting story, and perhaps delicately warn some…
This story is dedicated to all lovers and mistresses. There is no narrative or judgment here, and we do not undertake to judge what is good and what may not be very good. We just want to tell you an interesting story, and perhaps delicately warn some…
Ivanich Guest House
It is difficult to explain how fate builds its crossroads and organizes meetings with certain people on the path of life. Whatever it was-these meetings are not very random... All the events, organizations and characters are the author's fiction. Any…
It is difficult to explain how fate builds its crossroads and organizes meetings with certain people on the path of life. Whatever it was-these meetings are not very random... All the events, organizations and characters are the author's fiction. Any…